Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Octopus Cable Charges 10 Devices for Just 10 Dollars

There are USB cords and there are USB cords...and there are USB cords with like 10 different adapters coming out. But rarely are such monstrosities this cheap.

The $10 Octopus USB Cable has 10 different tentacles (ignore the fact that octopi usually have 8) to charge pretty much any mobile device you could own—most probably at a rate of 1 at a time. Specifically, that mix includes:

• Nokia 2.06mm (or 2mm)
• Nokia 3.5mm
• Sony PSP
• Motorola (V3 series) & HTC and other phones using USB Mini 5 pin as a charging port
• Micro USB (for Motorola V8…)
• LG
• Samsung (20P (s))
• Samsung (20P (M))
• Sony Ericsson Fast Port
• iPhone / iPod (for charging and data)

Now why you'd ever be carrying around all of these devices at once, we cannot explain. And on a side note, wasn't it a bitch that the iPhone/iPod plug was last on the list? I was like, "BUT WILL IT WORK WITH MY FREAKIN' I-ok, nevermind."

All credits and information was found by gizmodo.


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