Tuesday, July 28, 2009

BlackBerry Storm price dropped to $99.99: Is that enough?

With the mixed reviews of the RIM BlackBerry Storm, it’s no surprise Verizon Wireless has dropped the price from $199.99 down to $99.99 — with contract, of course. But is that enough to get you to sign on to a two-year plan after reading all the negative reviews.

Could Verizon Wireless be readying itself for a new phone in the Storm line? If so, it would make sense that the company is doing the ‘ol “out with the old, in with the new” maneuver. But, how many people are going to fall into the lower-priced Storm trap? It seems to me that the wiser decision would be to wait for the next version — said to be named the BlackBerry Thunder — , which will hopefully be less buggy.

Although it’s not the new version, an iPhone 3G is $99.99, so who would want to purchase a Storm, when it’s known to have some issues? How low would Verizon Wireless have to go to get you to sign on for a two-year contract and pay $100 for a Blackberry Storm? Tell us in the comments below. Conversely, if you’re a proud Storm owner, tell us why you like it, and why other people should snag the deal.

All credits and information was found by zdnet.


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